Hey Mama, 

A lot of mothers have been mentioning to me how they wish they had more time.

More time to put into their business.

More time for self care. 

More time to be with their new baby.

Think of the things you tell yourself in relation to time.

Things like-

“I don’t eat healthy home cooked meals because I don’t have time to make the meals.”

“I don’t pursue my passions because I don’t have time to brainstorm.”

“I don’t exercise because I don’t have time as I am a full time mom.”

Simply put, these thoughts are examples of how your brain gets you to stay exactly where you are and stops you from evolving. Your brain is programmed to preserve energy, and so it will give you all the reasons for why you “can’t” do what you would like, and it blames it on the lack of time. 

But what if the quantity of time spent on something had NO CORRELATION with the quality of work? 


What if it didn’t matter how much time you spent with your new baby, what if what mattered was how you spent that time? 


What if you spent just 15 minutes a day pursuing your passion – what could you accomplish?


What if you committed to moving your body just 10 minutes a day?


What if you put your phone aside, and focused intently for 3 minutes on meditating or managing your mind?

As new mothers, it is going to be easy to default to overwhelm and frustration due to ‘lack of time.’ It is important that we truly understand that time put in DOES NOT equal success. It is the quality of our time that counts, and not the minutes counted.

Want to take this work further? Book a FREE session with me!


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