I sometimes wonder if G-d sends DRAMA my way so that I have some content to write about 😂
😳Last week, my 18 month old daughter swallowed the contents inside a silica bag (those little baggies that they keep in packages that literally say on them POISON keep away from children). When I say that I almost died from the mere TERROR, I am by no means exaggerating.
The day before that, she found a plastic fork, bit off a nice long piece of it, and swallowed it whole. Obviously, I almost died then too. She, however – totally unfazed.
This whole time I find myself coaching myself in my own brain, giving me pep talks like I do in this group, trying to wrap my brain around all the craziness and my heightened anxiety.
I finally feel like I am back at it, head on straight, ready to tackle what comes my way- then BOOOM. My babysitter cancels coming in.
Me? I decide to make the best of it, and change my schedule around. I drive my daughter into the city, for a fun day out, and she barfed all over herself on the car ride there.
I cancel my plans & drive home to shower her instead (because, ew). As I undress her for the shower, she insists on hugging me as she smears her barf all over my new dress. As we hug, she then pees on me. 🙄
After coaching myself here are my takeaways:
  • My anxiety is not a problem, it is just going to be there. I can make room for my anxiety, and learn to expect it when shit hits the fan.
  • Barf + pee = #motherhood
So here I am, full of anxiety, barf and pee – but happier, more fulfilled, and more SANE than I have ever been in my whole damn life.
P.s: if you feel anxious, are full of throw up, pee, or are just overwhelmed by it all – I can help you. I can help you find sanity in the chaos, by teaching you a formula for understanding the world, your mind, and achieving whatever you desire. You can book a free session with me to find out more

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