You don’t want to be Super Mom, and here’s why.


According to Google – a ‘Super-Mom’ is: “an exemplary or exceptional mother, especially one who successfully manages a home and brings up children while also having a full-time job.”


Really google??? Way to make us feel like shit 😂


Let’s break it down…. 


“An exemplary or exceptional mother” ….. What is exemplary? What is exceptional? This is DEFINITELY not an objective statement – yet all of us new moms try and strive to be the ‘perfect mother’. You know the one that always has it together? That looks great? Feels great? And her baby never cries? 


“one who successfully manages a home and brings up children” – again we all do this, but you bring in the word “successfully” and the brain has a little tantrum. Mine would say – It’s 7:30pm: My child is sick and hasn’t eaten for 3 days, I have not made dinner, and my house is a mess. According to google’s definition, I technically am neither successfully managing a home nor my child!


while also having a full-time job.” – oh C’mon google!! Why does ‘super mom’ have to have  a full time job? Isn’t being a mother enough? And if she does have a job, why does full-time matter? The time you put in HAS NOTHING to do with how well you do the job, that is a fact. Why are the words ‘time’ and ‘job’ even in this equation?


It is these societal norms that trigger us to spin in our minds, always striving to be this ‘Super Mom’.


We are all human. We all have some AMAZING BADASS days, and then some less ‘perfect’ days. 


But so many of us, beat ourselves up for those less than perfect moments. 


For the house not being super tidy, for the baby not settling, and for not working or not working enough


Coaching has helped me see that I don’t want to be super mom! I don’t want to compare myself to other people’s Instagram feeds, or google’s definition of super mom! I want to be the best version of me, and that involves me being human!


That involves me – being OK with the fact that sometimes I don’t make dinner, my house is a mess, and I wouldn’t call my mothering ‘exemplary.’ But I still am a great mother, 


Because when I am in tune with me, and always striving to be a better version of  me – I tap into MY TRUE SUPERPOWER and it is way greater than a false desire to become a super mom. 


P.s: If you are ready to tap into your true superpower – I can help you. We will throw away all the super-mom bs, the self judgment, and hone on becoming the best version of you. That version of you embraces her humanness, and uses self-love to create the life of her dreams. Book a free consulation with me to find out more.


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