The other day I woke up feeling super UNMOTIVATED.

I just wasn’t motivated to get up, get dressed, watch my baby, coach and build my business.

I wanted to stay in bed, under the warm covers, and just sleep away my day. Ever have one of those days?

To be honest, if I didn’t have a crying toddler who wanted me to get her out of bed, and work calls, I would have.

This was an automatic pattern for me for most of my life, if I just wasn’t feeling “motivated” to do whatever I had planned, I just wouldn’t do it.

I would wait until I felt “motivated” or excited about it, and then do it.

This was true for feeling motivated to work out..Feeling motivated to do my homework..See my friends…Whatever.

But one day long ago, I heard one of my coaches say that motivation isn’t necessary. And I got to thinking…

Why was I waiting around to feel motivated if it wasn’t necessary?

If I wanted to build the business of my dreams…Have a body I am proud of..And live a life I LOVE, I got to stop waiting to feel motivated to do the little things that create that.

Because you don’t just create those things overnight, they are created by an accumulation of the little steps you take to get there.

I wasn’t supposed to feel motivated with every step, some steps are really boring and no fun.

So what did I need to create my dreams? My business?I needed COMMITMENT!!

A commitment that I will do it, even when it is no fun. A commitment that I will show up for me, even when ME doesn’t feel like showing up.

So Mamas, stop waiting around for motivation. It isn’t necessary. I will be the first to tell you that it also doesn’t happen every step of the way.

Work on feeling COMMITTED, instead.


P.S: If you are committed to making a change by discovering your passion and turning it into a business- I can help you. You have what it takes to create that for yourself and your family, you just must be committed to doing it. Book a FREE zoom mini session with me, and we will see how you can be everything you want, with just a little more commitment. 


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